Gum recession can appear due to many reasons and the most common reason is gum issues. Moreover, you can suffer a gum recession due to the below issues.
Loose Tooth
Shrinking gums
Pain at the gum line
Bad breath
Bleeding while flossing
If you are suffering from receding gums and want to know how to fix receding gums, then you are in the right place. Below we will uncover modern solutions and you will get to know how to stop receding gums
Reasons for Receding Gums
A variety of factors can cause gum recessions which are behind the control which includes genetics to health-related individuals. Additionally, receding gums can be caused due to brushing techniques says the expert dentists of Ontario London.
Many people suffer from receding gums, experts have claimed that 30% of individuals might be at the risk of gum issues due to their genes. If your family members are having gum problems, you must visit your dentist so he can monitor the situation and recommend the solution.
Brushing Technique
Your brushing technique is a direct factor that might lead to gum problems. You should ensure that your brush is soft and contains circular strokes. It might seem illogical to brush lightly, but aggressive brushing can damage gums and teeth as well.
Gum diseases
The main reason for receding gums is gum issues, suggested by expert dentists. When bacteria accumulate in the mouth, it disturbs the gum tissue. However, if you observe any gingivitis problem, which is a form of destroying gum tissues. You must inform your doctor and set an appointment to check whether the issue is serious or not. The timely visit will help your dentist to suggest a possible solution and stop the problems from appearing again.
Negligence in Oral care
If you are not habitual of brushing and flossing, you might face multiple oral problems and gum receding is also included in the list. Poor brushing habits and not using a recommended mouthwash can result in plaque built-up and you might face serious issues.
Receding Gums Treatment
The expert dentist of Ontario London explains that dentists use a probe to measure whether receding gums occur due to gum diseases or not. The ideal pocket size should be between 1-3 millimeters if the size is bigger, it indicates gum diseases. If the gums of patients receded due to potential gum issues, it is easy to stop the issue with a root planning procedure which
involves plaque removal that has accumulated in the teeth surface and beyond the gum line. Once bacteria and plaque are eliminated the mouth root becomes smooth it reduces additional bacteria growth and offers an opportunity to heal quickly.
However, if the case is severe, the dentist will recommend a surgical treatment which includes flap surgery or gum graft treatment. In flap surgery, a dentist lifts the gum for bacteria removal and elimination of tartar buildup which is not possible in the ordinary root planning process. After the first step, the dentist sews up the gums to allow them to heal quickly. This is the most recommended Receding Gums Treatment for the solution of advanced gum issues. However, it will not solve your teeth appearance problem and might need a gum graft process.
Good Oral Hygiene Height
Once the gums are healed and the problem is under control. It is necessary to adopt some precautionary measures to get rid of increasing problems in the future and stop receding gum problems from getting worse. If you want to know how to fix receding gums problems at home, brushing and flossing is your answer.
The expert dentists of Ontario London explain that you can stop receding gums problems by brushing and flossing twice a day. In addition to that, you must select a toothbrush with soft bristles.
As you will suffer from gum injury by applying more force while brushing with a hard bristles brush. Home remedies for Receding Gums Treatment include eating a balanced diet, avoiding smoking, and using an antimicrobial mouthwash. The practice of tooth decay and bad breath will significantly reduce the chances of gum recession because of particular gum issues. Frequent visits will help your dentist to monitor your oral problems and solve them before
they even appear.